Glad songs of salvation are in the tents of the righteous.
Psalm 118:15
Great security. Great restoration. Great comfort. Great peace.
All of the above come from resting in the sovereign care of Jesus.
For every song of lament, God provides a song of praise; in this life or the next. For to rest in His care is to know His steadfast love. Our lament might seem unending; perhaps unbearable; yet in the Lord it is only a fraction of eternity. Often what we see as evil, wrong, or godless, the Lord will use to turn affections toward Him. After all, He is in control. Even the most God-opposing, Anti-Christian army will one day bow their knee and declare Jesus is Lord. The song of the righteous overflows from the heart that willingly bows; the death of the unrighteous is confirmed in their unwillingness to bow. Jesus is Lord; of this life and the next. For all who choose Jesus above themselves, our most pain-staking lament will forever be answered with songs of everlasting praise.
Sorrows last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.