As humans, we are naturally creatures of habit. It is pretty plain to see that as humans we easily adapt our lifestyles to habits, rituals, and routines that make up day to day living. But why do we choose the routines that we do? What makes us habitually set aside time for specific things throughout each day? Could it be where our worship lies? I believe so. As creatures of habit, who naturally worship, we make time to elevate that which we give worth to. Daily we submit ourselves to things like technology, TV shows, sports, "Hollywood drama," etc...the list goes on.
As followers of Jesus, and hopefully transformed worshipers, we face the challenge of living, breathing, and acting on behalf of Christ rather than the world. No doubt it's a challenge, for though we love Jesus, we live in a distracting world, and have a self-centered nature; BUT we choose to submit ourselves to that which we give worth to...that which we worship!
Romans 12:1-2
I appeal to You therefore brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy, and acceptable unto God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is perfect and acceptable and good.
What if we submitted ourselves to the Word of God, everyday, not just as a "devotional," but as the divine story that God has written for our lives? I'm guilty of this, but sometimes God's Word is so easily lumped in with all the routines of ones day, when it should be the governing script for every move that we make! To do this it takes not only a transformation and renewing of our self-centered minds, but also a daily work to submit ourselves to God...which is our spiritual worship! Imagine if we all worked as hard at elevating spiritual disciplines in our life as we do at setting aside time to watch American Idol or Dancing With The Stars or read Facebook...etc.
When worship begins to expand outside of Sunday mornings into the rituals and routines of our everyday lives, more naturally will we submit to spiritual disciplines! When we submit ourselves to being worshipers, who are living out God's story, we will find that repentance, devotion, communion, forgiveness, adoration of Christ, and things alike will begin to shape our daily thoughts, habits, and routines. Paul says in 1 Cor. 10:31 "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever You do, do it all to the glory of God." So yes we can eat, take a nap, and even watch a TV show, but the issue lies where we submit ourselves! Are we elevating that "hobby" as what we submit to, or are we approaching it through a transformed life, fully submitted to the truths of God's Word. There is a difference, and the latter will help us view things as a worshiper of Christ and not of the world! May we consciously strive to be worshipers who submit ourselves to God's Holy Word, for it is the script to our story, and holds the steps we must take as our lives reflect the glory of a Holy God!